Read the latest article covering our call for a federal investigation of the Mormon church in light of allegations that it procured “favors” from foreign governments through a former senator.
Read the Full Article on the Salt Lake Tribune here-
“A letter sent last week by Rights Equal Rights and the Secular Coalition for America alleges that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints secured foreign visas for missionaries illegally and unethically, and asks Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate.
The allegations are based on a video leaked last year showing former U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Ore., and Ralph Hardy Jr. — a former area authority for the church, who is referred to by the two groups as a church lobbyist — making a presentation to LDS apostles in 2009. During the address, Smith explains how he worked with an Indian ambassador to get approval for 200 missionary visas without going through the normal process.”